• Articles

  • Modern Business

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    27 January 2024

    The Kaizen Philosophy in Modern Business

    In the realm of business, the pursuit of excellence is relentless. Companies across the globe are continually seeking methodologies that promise not just survival but a definitive edge in a fiercely competitive market.

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    25 August 2023

    Preparing for the Future

    If the tumultuous events of the past years have taught us anything, it is that predicting the future is a perilous endeavour.

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    5 August 2023

    Societal Shifts and Evolving Consumer Expectations

    As society evolves, so do the expectations of consumers. The rules of the game are being rewritten, with societal shifts catalysing profound changes in consumer behaviour.

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    3 July 2023

    The Rise of Remote Work and the Digital Workspace

    From corner offices to kitchen tables, the landscape of work has been dramatically altered. A fundamental shift has occurred, fuelled by digital technology and necessitated by global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    2 July 2023

    Climate Change and Sustainability Pressures

    The era of business as usual has drawn to a close. As global climate change persists, bringing with it an array of cataclysmic effects, corporate entities face increasing pressure to pivot towards more sustainable practices.

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    2 July 2023

    The Geopolitical Rollercoaster

    In an era where market movements hinge upon the latest tweet, and boardroom decisions are shaped by the shifting sands of geopolitics, businesses and investors worldwide find themselves aboard a rollercoaster ride with no end in sight.

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    1 July 2023

    Artificial Intelligence: The Dawn of a New Era

    As we catapult into the future, one particular technological development seems poised to redefine our understanding of the world and ourselves.

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    1 July 2023

    Understanding Modern Monopolies in the 21st Century Economy

    In the contemporary world, the term “monopoly” carries connotations far beyond its classical definition as a single entity dominating the supply or trade in a commodity or service.

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    28 June 2023

    Riding the High Tide

    In an era where the markets are constantly fluctuating, the art of increasing valuation multiples can be likened to finding the elusive pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

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    15 June 2023

    Achieving 100x Better Results

    How embracing a 10x mindset can transform businesses, drive innovation, and unlock unprecedented growth in an increasingly competitive world.

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    10 May 2023

    Make Impossible Possible

    Unraveling the mindset and strategies of forward-thinking innovators who dare to challenge the status quo and redefine the boundaries of success.

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  • Rope Training

    18 April 2023

    The Power of Continuous Improvement

    How embracing a culture of continuous improvement can drive innovation, enhance efficiency, and propel organisations to new heights of achievement.

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    14 April 2023

    Navigating the State of Flux

    Embracing agility, adaptability, and resilience as key strategies for success in a world defined by constant change and disruption.

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    8 April 2023

    Creating the Perfect Pitch Deck

    In today’s competitive business landscape, raising capital is essential for startups and established companies alike.

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    6 April 2023

    Navigating the Ecosystem Era

    As the business landscape evolves towards ecosystem-based models, companies must adapt their strategies to harness the power of collaboration and create value in an interconnected world.

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    6 April 2023

    Disruptive Competition

    In an era of rapid technological advancements and evolving consumer preferences, disruptive competition is altering the business landscape. Discover how companies can navigate these turbulent waters and emerge as industry leaders.

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  • The War for Talent

    5 April 2023

    The War for Talent

    In an era where intangible assets reign supreme and digital disruption is the new normal, the War for Talent has become a critical battleground for organisations looking to stay ahead.

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    4 April 2023

    The Great Shift in Value

    In a world where intangible assets drive value, businesses and financial models must adapt to stay relevant and accurately assess company worth.

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    2 April 2023

    Fuelling the Innovation Engine

    How organisations can foster a culture of innovation, embrace emerging technologies, and adapt to shifting market dynamics to stay ahead of the curve in today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape.

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    2 April 2023

    Return on Investment

    Demystifying ROI and its critical role in driving strategic decision-making and sustainable success in today’s competitive business landscape.

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    2 April 2023

    Winning the Talent War

    How organisations can build a high-performing workforce by prioritizing employee engagement, development, and well-being in an increasingly complex and competitive labor market.

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    31 March 2023

    High Performance Teamwork

    Unlocking the full potential of collaborative teams and fostering a culture of synergy for sustained growth and innovation.

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    30 March 2023

    Become Antifragile

    A deep dive into the concept of antifragility and how businesses can harness the benefits of volatility and uncertainty.

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    27 March 2023

    High Velocity Decision Making

    A closer look at Amazon’s high-velocity decision-making model, championed by Jeff Bezos, and its impact on the company’s meteoric rise.

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    24 March 2023

    The Daunting Pace of Technological Change

    In the world of Fortune 500 companies, where new tech may mean the difference between topping the chart or taking a tumble, the relentless speed of technological advancements is not only bewildering but also overwhelmingly daunting.

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    24 March 2023

    Make Competition Irrelevant

    Redefining the rules of the game by creating uncontested market spaces and leaving competitors in the dust.

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    21 March 2023

    Unlocking the Power of Value Creation

    How prioritizing value creation can drive innovation, foster customer loyalty, and propel organisations to new heights of achievement in the modern business landscape.

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